Posted by: glorifyhim1 | August 9, 2009

“Bee” Blessed


Today is my son and daughter-in-law’s first wedding anniversary. None of us can believe that it has been a year since they said their “I do’s” and I admit that I often still see my son as that little redhead skipping rocks into the creek or shooting bottle rockets out in the field. Time is fleeting, but I’ve always told my children that if we make the most of today, we’ll never look back on our lives with regrets. Instead, we’ll reflect on many happy memories.


However, I cannot help but get sentimental when I think back to when my three kids were small. Hopefully, they learned a few things from their Dad and me. I know that through them and many of their experiences, God taught me a lot. One particular story always comes to my mind when I think about my son.


When Blake was a young teen, he came inside one day from mowing the lawn. “Mom, I think I’ve been stung by a bee,” he called. As I looked up from my desk, I was startled to see dozens of bees clinging to his jeans and shirt. He was holding his ball cap, rubbing the back of his head, and was totally unaware of all the bees sitting quietly on him. Realizing the potential for a much bigger problem than one bee sting, I wondered what in the world I should do.


“Blake, walk quietly to the front porch,” I said as calmly as I could. Blake looked at me like I had lost my mind, but obediently turned to walk outside.


“Why do you want me to go outside?” he asked. Still trying to remain calm, I explained, “There are bees all over you – just try not to make any sudden movements.”


Blake looked down and panic struck his face as he saw the myriad of bees crawling around on him. “Please don’t let him panic,” I silently prayed. I carefully followed Blake to the front porch. “Now what?” I wondered to myself.


“Do you think you could just step out of your jeans?” I asked.


“No way – I’m on the front porch!” Blake reminded me, “And I can’t get my jeans off without taking off my boots anyway.” Not knowing what else to suggest, I said, “Well see if you can take off your boots.” For whatever reason, however, when he bent over the bees became more agitated.


“Just start walking around,” I said, “maybe they’ll fly off.”  Instead the bees seemed to settle back down content with their new found residence.


At a total loss as to what to do, I offered my next less than bright suggestion. “Let me try to nudge them off with the fly swat.” I tried to gently scrape at the leg of Blake’s jeans, but the bees became more agitated and began to fly, buzz, and sting. I felt a couple of stings myself and screamed, “Run! Run! See if you can outrun them!”


Off Blake darted down the steps and out the walk.  He ran across the side yard to the drive and back again with the bees either still clinging to him or buzzing along behind him.  At that point, his sister, Karla, came to see what all the commotion was about and quickly joined in the chase.  Grabbing the fly swat from my helpless hands, she took off after him swatting at the buzzing beasts, I mean bees.


“Ow!” Blake yelled.  “What are you doing?” “Killing bees!” she answered with another swat.


Dad, who is allergic to bee stings, and Blake’s older sister, Stacy, who is afraid of bees, arrived to form a cheering section from inside the screen door.  “Walk!” “Run!” “Watch out!” “Go this way!”  “Go that way!”


To this day, I still don’t know how Blake managed to get away from all of those bees.    We undoubtedly did everything wrong! Yet, a potentially disastrous outcome was avoided, but not because of anything we did.  I know it had to be the sheer mercy and grace of God.


How many times do we as Christians get into situations that we do not know how to handle?  We may try any number of things.  We go to a friend for help.  We try to walk or run away from a problem.  We swat at little things while ignoring the bigger problem.  We may wander aimlessly with no purpose or direction, or allow ourselves to be guided by voices from the sideline.  Yet we fail to remember that God is still God.  It’s not about what we can do, but it’s what God can do. Just as God miraculously intervened and delivered my son from his precarious situation, He can help us with any problem we face.  Even when we have done everything wrong, He can still make things right. I’m reminded of Jeremiah 33:3 – “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Notice that this verse doesn’t say that if we call to Him, He will do what we ask. Instead, it says He will answer, but He will do things we do not even know. God’s ways are unfathomable and He longs to work wonders in our lives. God has not just done great things, He longs to do great things for us.


Thankfully, Blake survived his bee attack with only three stings.  I had two.  And remember Karla, the bee swatter?  She didn’t get any stings.  I still don’t understand that one, but I’m thankful.  Blake, although thankful for God’s merciful intervention, still wishes he had been on the other side of the fly swat!


Oh, and Happy Anniversary Blake & Bekah – hope this is the first of many, wonderful, happy years – BEE blessed!


Further Study: Psalm 31 


  1. These just get better and better. I really have enjoyed them. You are so blessed to do things like this

  2. This is my favorite childhood memory…swatting my brother with a fly swat and NOT getting in trouble 🙂 Life just doesn’t get any better than that!!

    Love you Mom!!

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